A. Upcoming Events
B. Report on the Maryland Health Care Reform Co-ordinating Council
C. For more information on Progressive news and events in Maryland
A. Upcoming Events:
Monday, May 10th 7 pm Montgomery County NOW Business Meeting / Rockville
Library, 21 Maryland Avenue, Rockville
We'll discuss nomination of officers for next year and women's issues to
tackle now and in the future. All are invited.
For more information, contact info@mcmdnow.org
Events from Progressive Working Group Member Healthcare-Now! of Maryland:
1. Monday, May 10th, a national conference call sponsored by Tikkun
magazine with Dr. Margaret Flowers to discuss this month's
Details of the conference call which will be from 9 pm to 10 pm can be
found at http://www.tikkun.org/article.php/phoneforums.
2. Wednesday, May 12th, the nurses are coming to town! Join the National
Nurses United for a march beginning at 10 am at Union Station in
Washington D.C. and marching to Upper Senate Park for a rally at 11 am.
The NNU support single payer. They will be marching for S 1031/HR 2273,
The National Nursing Shortage Reform and Patient Advocacy Act and S
1788/HR 2381, the Nurse and Health Care Worker Protection Act.
3. Thursday, May 13th, attend the first meeting of the Anne Arundel
County Chapter Medicare for All at 6:30 pm at 49 West Coffee Cafe at 49
West St in Annapolis. Dr. Flowers will speak about single payer and the
group will discuss plans to support the state single payer bill. Contact
Patty Courtney courtneypatty@gmail.com or Sam Shropshire
sam.shropshire@hotmail.com for more information. All are welcome!
4. Tuesday, May 18th, attend the second meeting of the Howard County
chapter of Healthcare-Now at the home of Dr. Eric Naumburg: 6163 Devon
Drive Columbia, MD 21044 RSVP: 443-562-6562 or enaumburg@hotmail.com The
topic for the meeting is lobbying.
5. Healthcare-Now! of Maryland's website will be launched this week. We
are very excited to share it with you because it will have links to more
news and resources and will keep you up to date with single payer
events. Please check it out at http://www.mdsinglepayer.org And please
take this opportunity to let your friends know about Maryland
B. Report on the Maryland Health Care Reform Co-ordinating Council
Healthcare activists attended the Maryland Health Care Reform
Co-ordinating Council's first public meeting in Annapolis last week.
The MHCRCC is implementing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act (the Federal reform signed by Obama earlier this year) in Maryland.
See: http://www.healthreform.maryland.gov/
One doctor working on reform reports: "overall theme is lots of
additional bureaucracy but little additional medical care. Near the very
end of the 3 hour conference, Delegate Peter Hammen asked a question
about cost controls--the first time it was mentioned and Beth Sammis
said we can't think about that until next year which of course was
probably true but not very popular. There was no mention of increasing
the supply of providers. ... Maryland gains little from these new
interim programs that take effect before 2014 and disappear when the
exchange and the Medicaid expansion come. Maryland gains little in part
because there are some programs already in place; but the federal
additions are small and the state programs such as MHIP and the Health
Insurance Partnership are small. As of January 2010 there were 834,000
uninsured Marylanders an increase of about 120,000 in 2 years."
C. For more information on Progressive news and events in Maryland: Join
the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance
MCPA is local, independent coalition of organizations. MCPA organizes
debates, forums and other events to inform the public and advance
understanding and progress in Montgomery County.
We're focusing efforts on making progress in our county and state on
Healthcare, the Environment, Education, Labor, Transportation, Energy
and other issues. We're building up our coalition and lobby efforts on
the state and national level, planning special events, forming a
steering committee, and working on meetings with legislators, and other
Help us establish our priorities, allocate our resources, and make a
real difference. For the low cost of $25/year, about $2 per month, you
can participate in the changes you want to see in Montgomery County.
Contribute online or bring payment to any event or meeting.
Contribute online:
Join the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance google group:
If you're on Facebook, please join the MCPA group:
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