Monday, August 8, 2011

Wheaton MeetUp/Meeting for MCPA, DFMC, PDA, and more.

Combined MeetUp/Meeting for MCPA, DFMC, PDA, and more.

NEW DATE: Thursday, August 11, 2011 7:30 PM
Please RSVP to

Report and discussion on progress in our county and state on Healthcare, the Environment, Education, Labor, Transportation, Energy and other issues. We'll discuss county and Maryland politics--the special session, budget, etc.-- and efforts to protect Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. We're building our coalition and planning lobby efforts on the state and national level, special events, and working with elected officials and other organizations to achieve progress.

Saigonese Restaurant (Great, Affordable Vietnamese Cuisine)
11232 Grandview Ave Silver Spring (Wheaton), MD 20902
Public Transportation: Short walk from Wheaton Metro (red line)
Google Map:​ s?q=11232+Grandview+Ave+Si​lver+Spring+MD+20902

If you haven't already: Please join the Montgomery County Progressive Alliance Google Group:​ roup/mcprogressivealliance

Please contribute $15 to keep this meetup going. Pay online:​ gomeryCountyProgressiveAll​iance/dues/ or bring to this meeting.

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